Rabu, 24 November 2010


Yeaaayyyyy.....I do love clay...soooo much!!! I found this material in a book store accidentally, while I'm looking for a children's book for my Final Project and I'm in love with it! it was like loved at the first sight *too much, eh?! :D*
Actually, this is not my final project, I made this for my friend, and I'm happy with the process :)

I miss you clay! I do!

m y n a m e i s n i n a

1 komentar:

  1. nina!!!!! di mana kamu nemuin clay itu? di manaaaa! aq mau!!!! udah lama pengen banget nyobain bikin2 dari clay, tp gak pernah nemu!
    barusan nyoba pake epoxy, clay sintetis gitu, tpi hasilnya gak memuaskan, aq ga bisa makenya!
    nina, beri aku pencerahan!!!!
